A „PAROLE” developed and produced by Kft., which is a device used for slowing down the speaking. This device gives a great help in the therapy of stammering, gabbling and talking with a twang.
The operational principle of the device is based on the following:
A microphone registers the voice of the stammerer which is retarded by an electronic equipment for
a preset timing. By the assistance of an earphone the voice goes back to the ear of the patient with
such a volume that he has no inner hearing that time.
We have given some of our devices for tests to the Training Institute for Speech in Budapest, to a primary speech school in Koszeg and to the therapists of the Csokonai Vitéz Mihály Teacher Training College in Kaposvár. All of them confirmed that the PAROLE helped a lot in their work of therapy. We have introduced our device several times on different conferences. Most of the therapists have bought our samples there.
Their observations were as follows:
- Already on the first occasion most of the children adopted the retarded rhytm of speaking, but at the latest on the third occasion all of them could manage to adopt this method. It turned out that the interval of 90 msec was the most suitable timing for reading and talking as well. The speaking of the children gradually slowed down and the stammering eased.
- By slowing down the speaking of those children who are stammering and parallelly speaking quickly the PAROLE helped them to talk in the right rhythm, their stammering improved and finally stopped.
- During the different speech exercises the PAROLE made the good and expressive speaking easier.
- Applying the special speech exercises together with the PAROLE the therapists could reach significant improvement. It was proven that our device could be a complementary method in the therapy of stammering and other speech defects.
- The speech defective person could reach quick results, thus his frustration decreased by his successes and the whole process of the improvement of his speaking speeded up. It also triggered the improvement of his personality.
- By the guidance of the therapists the parents could learn how to use the PAROLE and they could also help their children in using it at home.
- Small size (120x60x25 mm)
- Operation with accumulator or batteries
- Power adaptor
- ÁRetarded timing (from 30 msec to 300 msec)
- Programmable volume of voice
- Advantageous price
- Headphone
- Microphone, miniature, to be pin on collar
- Power adaptor or accumulator